A physicist might look at auras and see something like sound waves.

Only sound waves aren't visible. And like sound waves, human auras are not visible, at least for most people.

People who see auras most clearly, are Level 6 people, on the Aurascope chart. Some Level 6 people have highly developed visual abilities

If you're strong on visual energy, you might be able to see auras. Don't be frightened. It's only energy waves, vibrating around a person, or an animal. Animals have energy auras too.

The musician, Stevie Wonder wrote a song about feeling energy from plants. It looks like every living thing has an energy aura, until they pass on to the next life.

If you can see human energy auras, dimly or brightly, you may also see some colors in them, although that's not necessary.

Seeing Aura energy is more like watching heat waves, on a hot, sunny day. We don't usually see color in heat waves, just the waving motion of the energy.

Auras around people look a lot like heat waves. Energy waves are mostly invisible, but we can see the energy waving, around the heads of older people, and around children's legs.

As for what the colors in an aura might be, there are some disagreements.

You know how visual artists can be. They all have different opinions on different colors.

In most reports on aura colors, red is strongest around the sex organs, and blue and ultra violet colors are stronger around the head.

Artists paint auras as red on the bottom, and blue on the top, with a rainbow spectrum of energy, up and down the spine.

Science tells us that the visible and invisible rainbow color spectrum looks like this..

Ultra Violet (black to the human eye)
Infra Red (black to the human eye)
Gamma Rays "
X Rays "
Cosmic Rays "

When we put all these colors together, we can see a white aura. White is a combination color. If you can see a white aura, perhaps all the colors are balanced.

Very few people can see a white aura. We don't know for sure if It exists. You'd have to be an extremely visually talented person to see so much coloration in a wavy wind of invisible energy.

No one has yet invented a machine that can see auras. Imagination and computer programming will never replace human awareness, but someday, someone may be able to program a machine that can see more clearly what we imagine, when we think we see an aura.

Have you seen any human energy auras lately?

Look closely, for they are there...
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coming soon