Mind Body Balancing * Yin Yang Yoga
Learning balance and moderation, in all things, is how people survive in the game of life.

Consequently, Mind Body Balancing is a popular human activity. We all do it.

Genius Brainiacs and Beautiful Bodies are both perfect in their own ways, but we learn, as time goes by, feeling perfect means feeling balanced.

The End Result: When you have a perfect mind, a happy heart, and a healthy body, all working together, as a team, then you feel like a four star personality.

Balancing Manic Minds with Excercise

Philosophically, there's good and bad everywhere. Some days, on the news, are so bad, it looks like people are going over the edge.

Some sad people seem like they have a death wish, and they want to take everyone with them. The world is a scary place sometimes.

One possible explanation for many of the world's current problems is the Manic Mind Syndrome.

The Manic Mind Syndrome is too much brain, and not enough wholehearted physical exercise.

A lesser degree of Manic Mind is the Hyper Mind Complex, a relatively new psychological syndrome, which is becoming a new normal in the modern world.

The Hyper Mind Complex includes psychological symptoms of ADD, ADHD, OCD, Anxiety Attacks, Autism, Addiction, Depression, Headaches & Nervous Breakdowns.

Hyper Mind is what some people experience, when the brain speeds up and the body slows down.

In old age, we feel smarter, although fewer people will listen to us.

As people grow older, a stronger mind means a weaker body. Hyper-mind kills us all, eventually.

The solution to the Hyper Mind Syndrome, and an over-worked mind, whether caused by aging, or simply working with computers, is to balance the brain with physical exercise and sex.

Centering Energy in the Heart is the balancing act that keeps us healthy forever.

Medical Science says, the human body has both physical and mental energy.

For balance, we have a special kind of energy around the heart and lungs and stomach. It's all part of the mid-section. This area of our bodies is referred to as the heart area.

In this way, a person's energy can be grouped in three areas - body, mind and heart.

People tend to know more about the body and the mind than they know about the heart.

Imagine your energy aura as being shaped like an egg.

In an egg-shaped aura, the yoke represents the mid-range, centered around the heart.

The outer circle of energy, in our egg-shaped aura, represents physical energy below, and mental energy above the yoke. All in balance.

It's estimated that maybe 50% of the population has difficulty balancing their energies. This usually means they have mostly mental energy, or too much physical energy.

Too little or too much mid-section, heart energy can also be a problem, especially if you fall in love a lot.

Balance is best. Balance is achieved by trying everything, and using every talent at the appropriate time. Everything balances out if we try to do everything, for a full life.

When we run a marathon, for example, we become more physical, focusing our energies in the body. There are spectacular examples of human physical powers, when athletes focus themselves physically.

But it's not possible to stay physically focused all the time. Or is it? Imagine how difficult it is to be a boxer, all day and all night, every day of your adult life.

On the more mental side of life, problems can also occur for super smart people, when they live almost completely in their heads. Working in an office six or seven days a week can take a toll.

People who live completely in their heads report having lots of headaches. Teenagers who live more sexually don't have so many headaches.

We might look at video game addicts, who live totally in their heads, playing video games all day, every day. And academics who never leave the ivory tower to experience real life on the mean streets.

It's good to be clever, and it pays to be smart, but not all the time. Some super smart people seem to go mental, and some of them don't come back.

Have you ever said to a friend, "I think you're going mental." This usually translates as, You've lost your mind. You're lost in the head. This is too imaginative, too crazy, too manic. Slow down. Don't be such a brainiac.

The Heart is a Balancing Act

The heart is a whole other story. If you'd like to know more about the heart, it helps to get religion, and have a family.

As the saying goes, Follow your heart, and you'll have a full life.

Is There Such A Thing As Too Smart

Many professionals work at a desk all day, thinking, thinking, thinking. They do nothing but think all day.

Thinking is upward energy. These people never get down.

At night, they go home and complain about feeling physically tired. More likely, they are mentally over-worked and physically asleep.

One solution for physical exhaustion, caused by too much mental exertion, is physical exercise, especially aerobic exercise.

As you get more physical, you will breathe more deeply.

As a minimum, when you feel tired, and can't get off the sofa, push yourself up and do some Yin Yang Yoga.

Yin Yang Yoga can bring balance back into your life.

You'll be amazed how your energy can change, if you do yoga regularly. The body will feel more energized, by doing yoga every day, or even weekly.

Yoga is a good mind-balancing exercise, even when it's done only once a week,.

In a Yoga class, or at the gym, the mind slows down, and the body feels energized.

If you want to feel physically healthier, simply spend some time in your body. It's as easy as that.

Mind Body Balancing takes some effort, but it works. Try some yin-yang yoga today.
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