Spiritual Healing
Heal Thy Self = Healthy Self

It's spelled the same, and it says the same thing.

We can heal many physical and mental problems with faith healing and wholistic energy lifestyles, before visiting a doctor.

Medical research estimates that only half of the problems doctors see are physical problems.

The other half of the problems doctors see are "Psychokinetically generated".

This means, half of our health problems are created in the mind.

Doctors often acknowledge that Mind Power plays a significant role in physical healing, along with exercise.

Psychogenetically generated health problems can be treated differently than physical problems, for they don't need pills.

Brain-generated illnesses are caused by the mind, and they can be healed with the mind, and some physical exercise.

To be clear, every health problem has both a mental and a physical component, a place in the body where we feel ill.

If we have a headache, the body aches too. If we have a heartache, sometimes we can't get out of bed. Heck, we've all been there.

At some point in an illness, the mind becomes involved, and it becomes a question of whether the mind makes the illness feel worse of better.

Is the brain working with us, to help us heal ourselves, or is our brain working against us, and making us feel worse.

Sometimes people feel worse on purpose, so they can have an excuse to ask for more doctors pills. The problem with doctors' pills and pain relievers is, they sometimes get in the way of healing.

Sometimes we can heal ourselves better without a doctor. Not that we have to play doctor every time, but it's good to have a choice.

For example when I broke my leg, I went to a doctor. When someone broke my heart, I talked to my mother, and a psychiatrist, among others.

Once we accept that the mind can help or hinder healing, for up to half of our physical ailments, we can begin a lifelong journey of research into healing that can astound, and astonish us.

In earlier times, people would try different methods of healing psychologically, with varying degrees of success, with many names, like Self Healing, and Spiritual Healing.

Religious people call this process Faith Healing.

Pray to God and feel the healing, they say. That's all there is to it. And it works. Many people have experienced spiritual healing, or so they say

Some doctors think of faith healing as placebo healing. They believe that It's all in the mind. Since the mind is healing itself, therefore, the body wasn't sick, kind of logic.

Placebo Healing is well known in the medical community. When a doctor thinks you simply need encouragement to heal yourself, and you ask for a pill, some doctors will give you an aspirin and call it a remarkable new scientific medicine.

You get better fast because you believe you will get better. You might even say you tried a new medicine that worked like a miracle.

And it's true. The Placebo Effect works, like a miracle. Faith healing also feels like a miracle, and works better than a pill.

It's all about healing ourselves, or going as far as we can take it, before calling the doctor.


Maybe Spiritual Healing works like a placebo pill, by focusing energy on the unwell part of the body or mind, until the problem goes away. We're not sure how it works, but it works, for many people.

Another aspect of spiritual healing is illustrated by the biblical saying, God helps those who help themselves. We can help ourselves with yoga, for example.

Focusing energy is a talent in yoga. When you can focus your energy, you're a yoga master, or an energy master, or an aura master.

Millions of people around the world do yoga. Everyone who does yoga learns how to focus their energy in different parts of the body.

As in yoga, when you focus energy on a seriously bleeding cut, the bleeding will slow and stop.

When you're having intestinal pains, focus all your energy in the groin. You might be able to calm a queasy stomach just by thinking about it.

Professional athletes focus energy on sore muscles all the time, in a football game. Then they get back up and play again. Athletes are masters of spiritual healing.

Focusing personal energy to push back the pain is the first step in self healing. Spiritual Healing is also when you ask God to help.

When you ask God to help heal a broken leg, or a broken heart, you're focusing more energy on the problem. You'll be amazed how much faster you can heal, when you ask God for help.

One unusual example of spiritual healing was given by the founder of Unity Church, Charles Fillmore, who was born with one leg shorter than the other, by 4 inches.

In the 1920s, Charles Fillmore became a preacher. Since he was preaching about faith healing, he decided to pray for his short leg, every day.

Over time, he noticed his leg seemed to be lengthening, so he measured his legs from time to time.

According to his measurements, the shorter leg, grew an inch every ten years. Over forty years, Charles Fillmore's short leg grew four inches, to be the same length as his long leg.

What can one say about a faith healing experience like that? This is what he prayed for. Maybe it happened.

Whether it was called faith healing or spiritual healing doesn't matter. It all comes down to focusing energy on a shorter leg, and it worked.

It looks like God has given us a way to heal ourselves. Focusing energy, and feeling guided by God is part of our divine design as human beings.

Call it God, or a divinely guided placebo effect, or simply energy focusing, it doesn't matter what we call it. It works, for those who work at it, and that's all we need to know.

Spiritual Healing is highly recommended as an entertaining human pastime. Plus it can help with healing colds and sore muscles.

It's fun adding God into the mix, just to see if we get an extra charge of spiritual healing. Prayer can add extra energy to everything we do. But the point is..

We heal faster if we do some of the healing ourselves.

Go ahead. Try focusing energy, in all the right places, to feel what happens. Maybe something good will happen to you today..
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